• Tutorial 15

    A demonstration of just three different ways of automatically levelling Ricoh Theta panoramas.

  • Tutorial 14

    Ever wondered how some panoramas can be enjoyed “interactively” right inside a Facebook feed?

  • Tutorial 13

    So once you have created your 360×180° panoramas, how do you show them off and share them?

  • Tutorial 12

    Problems with you manual fisheye lens (like the Samyang or Peleng 8mm) getting started in your stitcher?

  • Tutorial 11

    This tutorial is all about HDRi techniques and how they apply to panoramas. Or rather: how you can work around…

  • Tutorial 10

    In this tutorial, I’ll discuss shaving the lens hood off certain fisheye lenses, and share my experience when I did this to my…

  • Tutorial 9

    You may have seen those seemingly shiny mirror balls around the nadir of some panoramas…

  • Tutorial 8

    I often get asked “Can I use camera X and lens Y to shoot 360×180° panoramas?”, as well as “Does it make a…

  • Tutorial 7

    In this (quite lengthy) tutorial, I’ll give you a chance to get a “raw” look over my shoulder and see some of the…

  • Tutorial 6

    After shooting and developing the images, we will now stitch them together into the final 360×180° fully spherical panorama…

  • Tutorial 5

    This tutorial shows two techniques how to edit the vertical down view, or “nadir”. You mostly need this to remove…

  • Tutorial 4

    Here’s the another set of images to be stitched in PTGui — images shot from the tripod. We thus need a couple of…

  • Tutorial 3

    After shooting and developing the images, we will now stitch them together into the final 360×180° fully spherical…

  • Tutorial 2

    Having shot our panorama out in the field I will quickly show you in this tutorial how to develop and post-process…

  • Tutorial 1

    This tutorial shows my three favourite panorama shooting techniques, all using an 8mm fisheye lens both on full…